
I'm Pauline, a 20-year old student in journalism and international relations. I assiduously follow the fashion industry and aspire to be a fashion journalist after I graduate.

I was born and live in Paris, a totally irrelevant city, fashion-speaking, so I can't explain where my passion for fashion comes from. I tried to introduce irony early in my description to warn you about my doubtful sense of humour (it's better for you to know it from the start). Haha. More seriously, I owe a lot to my father (he's a real parisian dandy!) and to my grand-mother who always told me that you can never wear too much glitters (preach, grand-ma!). She also had fierce pastel-blue hair that everyone made fun of back in the days - she must be laughing from heaven, now that everyone is following this trend. She was so avant-garde! 

Talking about graduation, I missed the best appreciation in High School because of my mediocre results in PE. I guess that's part of why I started working out on a daily basis. Maintaining an healthy lifestyle is crucial to me. My regular routine includes yoga - thank-you Tara Stiles for introducing me to yoga and making me addicted to it! - pilates, dancing and other various fitness classes. I run daily and I hope I can finish a full marathon within the next few years. My former crush for Jesse McCartney also prompted me to try surfing in Summerland (I really did, I swear!); unfortunately, it turns out that I'm not a gifted surfer. Too bad because that would have made me look super cool.

“One should either be a work of art, or wear a work of art.” — Oscar Wilde


The idea for the name of the blog came from my will to express both the fact that this blog would be about fashion as well as my personal interpretation of fashion. The inspiration was the expression "work of art" because to me, fashion can be a work of art. I've been called superficial for liking fashion and clothes so much. I believe this is because most people don't get how serious and meaningful fashion can be. Putting together outfits is how I express my creativity. Some are painters, some are sculptors, some are photographers ... I'm just not good at those things. Fashion is my thing. My outfits are probably the closest thing to a work of art that I will ever be able to do. That's very fine by me.


I'm opened to affiliates or sponsorships programs as long as they do not betray the spirit of the blog. I insist on remaining honest with my readers, so I will only accept to team-up with brands that reflect who I am and what I like. If you're interested in working with me, contact me at: workofstyle@gmail.com


Everything on this blog belongs to me. I do not have one single photographer - they will all be credited in the related post (unless they asked me not to be). I try to post some of my pictures on tumblr for you to reblog. You can use some of my pictures for your blogs but you should always credit my blog when you do. Please, never claim them as yours. Copying, even partially, the content of this blog is strictly forbidden. 

Thank you for visiting my blog. I hope you like it and that you will return. If you have any more question, you can reach me at workofstyle@gmail.com. I'm always pleased to receive mail from my readers.

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